Kolín Smart Keychain

Kolín Smart Keychain is a unique project not only in the Czech Republic but also in Central Europe. Kolín is a leading Czech city that deliberately and successfully implements modern technology into its own urban ecosystem. That is why the pupils of the 6th Elementary School of Kolín will be the first to enjoy the Smart Keychain, already from the start of the school year (September 2017).

city:one 2017-11-15 09:33 Governance Citizen ICT technology Project

The Kolín Smart Keychain project is designed primarily for elementary school pupils. The Keychain comes in the form of a small plastic card that can be attached to keys. The goal of the Keychain is to replace the set of chips, keys, or wallets children normally use by a single tool. One such unifying tool should be able to carry out all the identification, access or payment activities. Thanks to the use of a contactless chip,
the Smart Keychain can now fulfil the function of a reader card of Kolín Municipal Library or a chip for ordering and dispensing lunches in the school canteen. It also opens a school electronic lock or can be used as a time ticket in the Kolín public transport.

The Keychain can also be activated as a prepaid card where parents can send their children’s pocket money. Thanks to its easy control, safe operation and versatile use, the Keychain is also suitable for the youngest pupils. When paying with a Keychain in partner stores, the pupil gets interesting discounts and benefits. The card will not allow any overdraft of a limit or balance. Because the Keychain is really smart, it blocks payments in shops innappropriate for youth. So for example, schoolchildren cannot buy tobacco and alcohol. All Keychain transactions are available online, allowing parents to supervise their children’s activities regularly.

The world is changing more and more rapidly; the old principles and technologies are disappearing and new ones are evolving. The young generation should, now more than ever, be educated in accordance with current developments, new knowledge and in real time. Kolín Keychain actively engages children in real life of the digital world. It is a helpful tool and a smart technology that educates over the long term. Kolín Smart Keychain is a good example of efficient use of modern technology for general public benefit. http://www.chytraklicenka.cz/

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